The Cave
As I moved into the cave, I was surprised to see that it was already occupied. He looked strong and threatening, and gave me an anxious look. Certainly he was surprised at the intruder. A mixture of fear and anger is all I could make out on his hairy face.
I was distracted by the strong stench that filled the cave. It was revolting. I met several people of my kind, but none of them had such a stench. They smelled like the forest, fresh and soothing.
I rushed out of the cave for a breath of air. I tried to slow my pacing heart. The stench seemed to have an affect of fear as well.
It started to get darker and darker. The falling snow reminded me of my mother. "Move into a cave, as soon as it starts to snow" her last words. Never understood why she was so persistent about the winter. The seventeen winters that I had been through were all short and relatively warm. Infact, I've never seen it snow before. But, this winter, they say, is going to be harsh and long.
I gathered my courage and moved back into the cave. The stench was still strong. He was there, disgust written all over his face.
I sat there, thinking. 'This is only one of the several caves in the forest. The stench is disgusting and he definitely looks threatening. He appears both frightened and frightening at the same time. There must be a better cave without this revolting stench and this villainous man.'
I decided to look for another cave. On my way, I gathered a club. You never know who might already be there. The club looked strong. Can definitely kill with a single blow. I found an even bigger cave.
It was both frightening and surprising. It was the same guy. The same revolting stench. This time he looked even more frightening. He even had a weapon with him. I ran out in fear.
'Must be my mind playing tricks with me. Or may be I lost my way and entered the same cave. But the cave looks different from the previous one. May be both the caves are connected. Let me try the mountain on the the other side of the forest.'
I hurried through the forest, jumping from one tree to the next. I was there in no time. Drenched in sweat, I gripped my club tighter. I entered the cave slowly, looking around for him. I wasn't wrong.
He was there and was ready to attack. In that frenzy of fear, I struck him hard with the club. He sounded like a giant crystal breaking to pieces. He didn't bleed.
Surprisingly, the revolting stench had only increased. But it was not as frightening as before. I roamed around the cave looking if there was anyone else. No one else. The crystal pieces were sharp enough to pierce my feet and they started to ooze blood.
I sat there picking them out. Minor wound. It will heal soon.
The cave was definitely warm. Even the stench was decreasing, once he was gone. But I didn't understand how he disappeared, without a trace.
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