Thank god, its just our organs and not our devices.
Today when I woke up and came to the balcony, like
all other Delhiites, I was welcomed by smog rather than sun. As I started to
think what would clear the air, I realized that the main problem is, the smoke
doesn’t affect our smart phones. Seriously!!!! Just imagine what would happen
if our smart phones start to switch off, unable to function in the smoke.
The government would panic “Why isn’t my WhatsApp
propaganda penetrating???”
Google and Facebook would go “WHERE IS MY DATA???”
People would join in streets and revolt “I invested
a lot on this phone, why isn’t this working?? It’s my right to have a working
It would be an enforced “No Nut November”. There
would be no Instagram and people would not know what to do with food. Social
media is gone, and people will not know what to do with their
Data doctors (who will shortly be our doctors)
would soon diagnose the disease. They will come up with a way to revive the
phones, and just in case, the humans start to die, and data flux starts to
decrease, they might come up with a way to generate what a dead guy’s shopping
choices might be. “Would they have liked a black mask with white stripes or a
white mask with black stripes????”
But, if they can’t find a way to make smart phones
work in the smog, that is when the air will start to clear up. And it will
happen pretty fucking quickly.
But as of now, we don’t have such an emergency. And
thank god, it’s just our organs and not our devices. We can happily share pics
of buildings hidden by smoke and posts about our stupidity.
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