Story of the Pleistocene Park

Story of the Pleistocene Park The Stage Our story is set in the uninhabited siberian lands near the northpole. We all know, the top most layer of earth that we call soil, is a mixture of organic (dead plants, fallen leaves etc) and inorganic matter (like sand and water). Near the poles of our earth, a thick layer of soil remains frozen through out the year, and thus, is called PERMAFROST. This permafrost contains tons and tons of organic matter (from plants and animals that lived and died before the soil is frozen)that remained frozen since thousands of years, waiting to be decomposed. As we all know (I hope) we have been heating our earth on carbon flame since about 150 years, and the Arctic tundra(which also includes our stage) is heating up twice as fast as the rest of the world. As a result, this PERMAFROST is now melting. As the permafrost melts, the organic matter that is locked up for all these years gets exposed to microbes. And when the microbes munch on these delicious dead b...