Why? To a student of physiology, the purpose of most organs in a human body is self-evident. The complex machinery aimed at maintaining the homeostasis, the optimal internal environment. Optimal for survival. These organs have evolved over millions of years and are very committed to doing only one thing. Keeping the person alive. At any cost. Thus, it seems counter-intuitive, when a human, under the influence of few neurons in his cerebral cortex, decides to go against all his other organs; and kills himself. The product of millions of years of struggle. That which, the humans think, keeps them at the pinnacle. The human intelligence. How can it violate the primary purpose? Why then, do humans still house in their cranium, that, which can destroy them? The tiny neuronal threads. The tiny threads that can come together as a canvas depicting beautiful imagery. The tiny threads that can sound complex notes on the strings of a guitar. The tiny threads that can also wrap into a...