“Human knowledge and skills alone cannot lead humanity to a happy and dignified life.” ― Albert Einstein Mr. Einstein obviously knows what he is talking about, having seen how humans use the power of knowledge. This is one such story, where great insights into the inner workings of human mind, instead of leading to happiness and dignity, led to loss of human life. Though brain is an evolutionarily old structure, human mind is peculiar, at least to our knowledge, in its self-awareness. The consciousness of self, we humans are so proud of, lead us to believe for almost as long as we existed, that humans are rational creatures driven by logic and reason. This belief was questioned, when Sigmund Freud, with his tremendous intuition, has hypothesised that human consciousness only scratches the surface of our mind. He theorised that most of the decision making occurs in the unconscious, that part of the brain driven by emotions and thousands of years old survival instincts. ...